
The power of perspective.

Resident Hustle App | Can you see beyond your norm to improve your residency journey?

Have you ever stood atop a skyscraper and looked down at how the world below appears? Miniature cars, ant-sized people, all moving in a rhythm of their own. This elevated perspective offers clarity, a fresh view - and even more accurate prediction of the future. For example, from up high you can see what is around the corner for someone down below, before they can. It's this kind of bird’s-eye view, this ability to see things from a unique vantage point, that I believe can be a game-changer during your residency journey.

Seeing from a new perspective isn't just a visual phenomenon. It's a mental shift, a deliberate choice to challenge our preconceived notions. Like peering through various lenses at an art piece, every angle, every shade, every nuance provides a different story.

Someone masterful and famous once said something along the lines of, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." The very core of his sentiment aligns with what perspective-taking can offer you: innovative solutions birthed from fresh viewpoints. “Birthed” - I thought you’d like that being all medical 😉 lol. Sometimes, the secret to making a leap forward in a challenging situation isn't in the answer but in how we look at the question. So, before sounding too Yoda-esk let’s get practical…

Think of the most challenging feedback you've ever received during residency. Really… pause (right now!) and think about that.

Perhaps an instinctual defensiveness that bubbled up upon receiving the feedback - the sting of criticism (oof!). Now, imagine looking at that same feedback with the thought, "This comes from a place of care, positive intent and a desire to see me excel." The power here lies in the pivot… pivot in perspective… the “PP”!

Taking on different perspectives is akin to navigating a labyrinth with a compass in hand. It doesn't necessarily remove the obstacles but provides a clearer, more informed path to traverse them. And trust me, the view at the end, the realization and insights you gain, will be worth every challenging turn.

As you stride forward in your medical journey (like a gracefully, sometimes uncertain, but all round strong antelope!), I encourage you to periodically pause - like seriously take this evening to pause on your commute home and ask yourself: Am I looking at this problem from all possible angles? Am I looking at how I might approach a case tomorrow from all possible angles?What new lens can I apply here? Because often, the difference between stagnation and performing better is a simple yet tactical shift in perspective.

In reflection, what moment during your past month of residency could have benefited from a fresh perspective, get crystal clear on that, then answer this: how will you ensure you harness this powerful tool of perspective taking in the future? How will you remember to take perspective? I suggest spending an entire week building your perspective taking muscle. Use this skill whenever you can, even on simple tasks that you’re not stuck on.

I’m going to cheat a little on today’s question by providing you with a few examples that I’ve heard from medical staff over the years. I’m paraphrasing, of course…

  1. Perceived Hierarchy and Power Dynamics: Every day, I find myself walking on eggshells, trying to navigate the complex hierarchies within our medical team. There have been instances when I wanted to voice a concern or share something I learned recently, but the weight of seniority often holds me back. I worry about challenging or contradicting a more experienced colleague, even if I feel my point is valid. This constant self-check can be exhausting and sometimes makes me doubt my own capabilities.

    New Perspective: This hierarchy can be seen as a mentoring ladder. Every senior colleague was once in my position. By observing, questioning, and interacting with them, I can extract invaluable lessons, turning potential confrontations into learning experiences. Their expertise is a resource, and my fresh perspective can be an asset to them too.

  2. Dealing with Medical Technology Overload: Just as I think I've gotten the hang of one piece of medical equipment or software, something new is introduced. I'm expected to be tech-savvy at the drop of a hat, and while I love advancements in medicine, the rapid influx of new technologies can be overwhelming. I often find myself sifting through piles of digital data, trying to maintain patient privacy, and sometimes even wrestling with counterintuitive user interfaces. The fear of making a mistake due to a technological oversight constantly looms over me.

    New Perspective: Embracing the ever-evolving tech landscape in medicine allows me to stay at the forefront of my field. Each new tool is an opportunity to streamline patient care and make informed decisions faster. By staying adaptable, I'm preparing myself for future innovations and positioning myself as a tech-savvy medical professional.

  3. Cultural and Linguistic Barriers: Medicine has opened my eyes to the vast tapestry of cultures and backgrounds of my patients. But with this diversity comes challenges I hadn't anticipated. I've been in situations where language barriers made it difficult to understand a patient's symptoms, or cultural differences led to misinterpretations. Trying to ensure that I give the best care while also respecting varied beliefs and practices is a delicate balancing act. At times, I also have to confront and reflect on my own implicit biases to ensure they don't cloud my clinical judgment.

    New Perspective: These barriers offer a chance to broaden my understanding of the world. By connecting with diverse patients, I can become a more empathetic and globally-minded doctor. Every challenge in communication is a lesson in patience, listening, and creativity. Over time, I'll build a toolkit of strategies and resources to bridge these gaps, making me a more effective and inclusive healer.

And by the way, by design the Resident Hustle app has been found to help many individuals with the ability to take a fresh, creative and novel perspective on solving many challenges medical doctors face.


The only digital toolkit to contain 110+ expert strategies, 12 core modules, 87 coaching sessions in audio/video, all to enhance your performance and wellness, for on-the-go & in-the-moment residents.



