
Navigating residency doubts.

Resident Hustle App | Lost in the residency jungle? Feeling like an imposter?

Imagine a chameleon, subtly altering its hues and tints to blend into a forest of overwhelming color, always on the edge of feeling out of place. That's how many residents feel, perpetually on the brink of being exposed.

“Exposed? Like a, chameleeeon??” - you might be wondering!

While the systems and processes involved in residency are reliably similar year on year, that doesn’t mean the individual experience of residency isn’t full of new, novel happenings and unforeseen events leading to all kinds of uncertainties. Residency to me as an outsider - as a human optimization coach, is less of a paved path and more a dense, ever-shifting jungle. Every step, shadowed by the unfamiliar and uncertain, constantly tests your endurance and commitment to the craft.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity," said Albert Einstein - I do like his quotes.

And in the midst of the residency maze lies the chance to not just find but define yourself. And find>define… find>define, you will… over and over. That we all do, especially when we push to grow beyond our limits.

Let’s talk about butterflies - yup! A butterfly never understands the strength of its wings until it breaks free from its cocoon; or at least that’s how I imagine it to be. It doesn’t know what it has the potential to be; it only knows what is. The weight of rising responsibilities month on month and the echoing doubts on call at 3am? They're not you - don’t let these thoughts define you; they're your cocoon.

The thoughts that you don't measure up to the standard you need to be? That’s the cocoon tightening. But it’s all a sign of growth, of pushing yourself beyond your own current norm - growing pains if you will. And here’s my insight over the years…. every superhuman physician you admire once wrestled with these feelings, broke free, and soared. And, don’t just take my word for it - go ask them,

“Hey, have you ever experienced this feeling like….?”.

Any sincere human will tell you they have. And if you’re lucky, they’ll tell you what they did to overcome it.

Imposter syndrome is a part of this transformative process, that is residency - a process of frequent TRANSITION + FORMATION. And guess what? It's okay to feel like an imposter because in a sense, you are. You're adapting, learning, growing. And like I said, you will soon be a butterfly. Lol! I just cringed at that. So, let’s replace butterfly with a more fiercely yet equally admirable creature. Although I do like the peacefulness of the butterfly.

My resident hustler…. Lean into that feeling of “I’m out of my depth”. Embrace it. Let that worry drive you to master your profession. Transform that worry into curiosity of who you can be. Remember the chameleon? It learns to navigate its environment, to stand out when necessary and blend in when needed.

So, how do you escape the grip of imposter syndrome? Begin by acknowledging it. Then, navigate your feelings with the strategies I've uncovered over 15 years - you’ll find those in the Resident Hustle App under the reputation module. Equip yourself with the right tools, insights, and most importantly, the right mindset.

Do chameleons ever doubt their color-changing prowess or question their place in the jungle? Most likely not. And why should they? They get to work. They step up, like you do every damn day - because you’re doctor. You might make mistakes, you might not always meet the standards expected of you, but you will find a way, I’m sure you always do because you’re awesome!!

(Dan, eh…. end the email pep-talk lol!).

So, here's a question for your contemplation:

If residency is your jungle, and you're the chameleon, embrace your versatility and you’re rightful place within medicine. Reminded yourself of what makes you able and willing to keep going, to wake up to a new challenge tomorrow and give it another go? Question: What is it that you’re most “uncomfortably-excited” about doing in the next month? And if it is uncomfortable to think about. What about it, even just something little, is exciting?


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